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Comment: best tires for 2001 acura cl offer For
5. 10, 2010 at 15:40.
” -The garbage really smells and its like right next to our cars. When people throw big things away like couches and old bbq grills it is so easy for that stuff to hit our cars. Are the managers violating some kind of violation code? Shouldnt the garbages have to be in their own seperate area? How do I find out this information so I can take it to my apartment office and force them to move them nasty garbages? ”
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2. 22, 2009 at 7:53.
” -OK I was mobilized to Germany in 2006. I saw a buch of the smart cars and was amazed at how small they were and couldnt wait till they came to the US. Now that they are here I am thinking that they are bigger some how. I think they are maybe taller and wider. I remember the US didnt have them yet because they didnt meet the safety requirements or something. If any one could tell me if there really is a difference between American smart cars and European smart cars I would appreciate it thanks! ”
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5. 20, 2009 at 18:36.
” -what is the name of the first automobile brand used vacuum-supported brake system in their cars and in what year ? ”
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12. 16, 2010 at 11:8.
” -What is the mpg comparison from hybrids and regular gasoline cars? For instance toyotas prius and any other car you can think of! Thanks for your help. ”
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9. 20, 2009 at 22:41.
” -Supposedly the Nationwide cars that the teams now have will slowly be sold off to ARCA series teams. How much of a difference is there between the 2 cars? ”
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3. 17, 2010 at 8:6.
” -My budget is only limited for used cars, and I have no idea what to check with them when buying (like under the hood) so that I wont get "cheated" after. I dont want to be buying the car only to find something broken after a few drives. ”